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You have a picture of how life should go. We all do. The dream job. Close friendships. Loving, grateful children. A perfect marriage. But more often than not, life doesn’t go according to plan. So we corral and control, determined to make our picture come true. Our emotional, spiritual, and even physical wellbeing are taken for a crazy ride as our very sanity becomes dependent on how closely reality matches our expectations. No wonder we’re exhausted. We’re hitched to the crazy train, and we want to get off. But how?

“Come to Me,” Jesus says, “and I will give you rest.”

Join counselor and teacher Julie Sparkman as she explores Jesus’ gentle yet costly invitation to true rest—rest that is dependent on the finished work of a Savior who will never leave us alone.



“I’ve been blessed to see how Julie’s teaching can unhitch a church and family from the crazy train. And I’m so thankful that many more will be challenged and encouraged by this wonderful book.” —Collin Hansen, editorial director of The Gospel Coalition and author of Blind Spots: Becoming a Courageous, Compassionate, and Commissioned Church

“In Unhitching from the Crazy Train, Julie Sparkman invites us to experience a meal of pure gospel with a garnishing of beautiful humor that causes us to lean in and laugh. The result is that we experience more of our Savior in everyday life and learn how to trust Him for the rest He promises as we walk with Him. We have been immeasurably blessed by Julie’s teaching and have shared it with hundreds of others who have used it to unhitch from an orphan mentality and live in the freedom of belief.” —Susan and Newt Crenshaw, president of Young Life

“Unhitching from the Crazy Train is a book about being, not doing. It is an invitation to embrace the gospel in a lived out kind of way rather than simply a talked about kind of way. It is written in a conversational manner, but there is such depth to every single sentence. By prayerfully and practically engaging in this book you can become more grace-filled and gospel-centered through the refinement of your soul in Jesus Christ.” —Kristen Torres, minister of spiritual development, Dawson Memorial Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL

“Unhitching from the Crazy Train is for those looking for a deeper walk with Jesus and longing to invite Him into the broken places of your life. It is for those who are at a place where you realize grace won’t fix you in this life but is simply the power of Christ that enables broken people with broken lives in this broken world to experience substantial healing and progress. Honest, authentic, at times even raw, this book is biblical, grace-centered, and filled with hope in Christ . . . for you and for me.” —Bob Flayhart, founding and senior pastor, Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL

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