This past Monday afternoon the 15 year old son of our client coordinator was involved a serious biking accident which resulted in severe head trauma. This happened while he and his dad were attending a camp out west in California. He was airlifted and admitted  to ICU in Portland,Or . Many people started interceding on behalf of this family that God would spare this guy’s life and heal him.  Just 48 hours later he has already improved, coming off of the ventilator and speaking.  The nurses and doctors said they rarely see someone go from being on life support to breathing on their own so quickly.  God hears the prayers of His people and He is near to the broken-hearted.  He promises this.

The day BEFORE the accident happened his mother had written the below on her Facebook page having no idea the path her family was about to take.

“The mundane chores and clutter of our days click off one by one as we scurry from one to the next. Some days extraordinary, most ordinary. We are lulled into a false sense of auto-pilot, often caught up in the little details of the day which can over take our perspective. Then, like a spinning, tiny, plastic top, the reliable flow is abruptly interrupted and everything seems to topple and stop. Suddenly, the ordinary is lost. Life is fragile. How quickly we loose sight of that reality as we are going about making our days, and letting our days make us. Accidents, tragedies, deaths, the unexpected, they happen and suddenly we realize that it is the ordinary that is extraordinary. In the reflection of pain being endured all around, the luxury of an ordinary day is an overlooked gift that we easily loose sight of. I’m committed in prayer to several friends who have for now lost the gift of an ordinary day. Today as I feel any urge to complain about the laundry, the dishes, the traffic, the mess the kids made, the return of the school year…I will turn that temptation into gratitude, because I am reminded again of all the extraordinary that is disguised in an ordinary day.”    D’Anna Lundstrom

God has continued to show Himself over and over in just 48 short hours.  He even cares about the little details like a view out of a hospital window.  This is their view and its a constant reminder that “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, So the LORD surrounds His people From this time forth and forever. – Psalm 125:2


If you would like to hear more from D’Anna she writes a blog.  You can find it here:


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